Engage your network and share social care data

Curating a network of trusted partners breaks down silos and provides coordinated care across sectors, leading to improved engagement. Findhelp supports this with Trusted Networks and Coalitions. 

Our team works with you to establish a Trusted Network of engaged health and social care providers. We help you build long-term relationships, high levels of engagement, and increased closed-loop referral rates. Trusted Network partners can be featured in search results, ensuring that navigators can easily connect the people they are helping. 

Highlight contracted partners, internal
programs, and value-added benefits

Work with existing contracted partners or build
on our network of more than 250,000 programs

Gain measurable data on service delivery and

Look up shared patients and clients easily and obtain social care information in real-time

Integrate Coalitions data sharing into your EHR, or use it within Findhelp

Improve continuity of care and the navigator

Share data among the contracted partners in your network with our Coalitions functionality. With the ability to look up an individual’s care history and view screenings, assessments, and referrals, staff won’t ask redundant questions or duplicate referrals. Aggregated data from Coalition members enables regional and network-wide impact reporting for an accurate view of social care outcomes in your community. 

We keep clients’ information safe by ensuring that they have control over their record. With simple and documented informed consent in the Findhelp platform workflow, and strong privacy policies, personal information is always in the right hands.