2024 Connect Summit Recap: Building a Better Social Safety Net

Last week we hosted our fourth annual user conference, Connect: a Social Care Summit. We hope all the attendees were energized by our keynotes, learned from Findhelp speakers, and were inspired by our customer and community organization experts as they discussed topics ranging from social care partnerships to equitable healthcare strategies, community collaboration, and more. 

Thank you to our internal and guest experts for sharing their experiences and best practices; together, we’re making great progress towards building a better social safety net. Read on to learn more!

Findhelp's 2024 Connect Summit Stats

About the Connect Summit 

The Connect Summit is Findhelp’s annual user conference, where our customers, partners, and network of community organizations come together to share ideas and best practices for innovating and improving social care. Each year, we bring together leaders from across industries to collaboratively address social needs nationwide and discuss the strategic partnerships we’re building together to help the most vulnerable members of our communities.

This year’s Summit featured 31 sessions across 4 tracks, geared toward senior leadership and managers from our customers and community organization partners.

Findhelp's 2024 Connect Summit Tracks

Our 2024 Keynotes

Day 1 Keynote: Building the Modern Social Safety Net

Erine Gray, our Founder & CEO, kicked off the Summit with an overview of Findhelp’s progress since our 2023 event, with a special focus on the challenges within, and the future of, the modern social safety net. 

Erine was followed by an interview between Gabe Roberts, former TennCare Medicaid Deputy Director, and Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Dr. Arkoosh shared her experience with addressing health-related social needs through innovative Medicaid programs like 1115 waivers and social care reimbursement.

Product Keynote: A Look Ahead

Mukta Nandwani, Findhelp’s Chief Technology Officer, was joined by members of Findhelp’s Research & Development teams as they explored our latest innovations and future plans for the Findhelp platform. They shared our vision for creating more powerful experiences that enhance and simplify the way you help people with needed resources.

Mukta Nandwani at Findhelp's 2024 Connect Summit

Day 2 Keynote: the HOUSES Platform – Novel SDoH Metric as a Digital Biomarker in Social Care Delivery

Rachel Lauderdale, Findhelp’s Vice President of Customer & Community Success, led a discussion with Dr. Chung Wi, MD, Program Manager of HOUSES Program at Mayo Clinic, about applying the HOUSES Platform to current challenges for measuring and addressing social determinants of health and the implications for integration into EHRs, research repositories, and social care strategies.

Dr. Wi Chung and Rachel Lauderdale at Findhelp's 2024 Connect Summit

Dr. Wi shared his research team’s journey to actively engage in research and practice for achieving health equity and high-value care, specifically by implementing and disseminating the HOUSES platform.

HOUSES technology has been validated as a digital biomarker in enhancing AI model development and validation as well as in enabling care teams to precisely measure and address patient’s socioeconomic status, as a key feature of social determinants of health.

Featured Sessions From This Year’s Summit

The sessions below had the highest attendance at this year’s conference; read the synopsis and check out our supporting materials to learn more about how Findhelp can partner with you to achieve your health equity goals.

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Build Stronger Partnership Networks Through Hubs

This session highlighted diverse examples of community social care hubs and outlined how to implement similar models in your community. Panelists discussed the collaboration between healthcare organizations, libraries, government institutions, and more, on topics including data-sharing, governance, localized care coordination, and outreach.

How Findhelp supports libraries

Driving Engagement: Maximizing Your Community Impact

This session explored how to increase engagement with your social care program. Your partners – your community of CBOs, your internal staff, and the population of seekers you serve – can’t collaborate with you to give and receive help if they’re not in the loop. Our panel of cross-sector speakers described the innovative ways that they’ve engaged with their communities. 

Behavioral Health: Wayfinding to Holistic Mental Healthcare

This session delved into the intricate landscape of behavioral and mental health services. From patient-centered care to community resources, we discussed strategies for promoting wellness and resilience, fostering collaboration between social care providers, patients, and organizations, and ultimately enhancing mental health outcomes for all.

Better Together: A United Framework to Connect Communities

This session featured representatives from  three different United Ways or 211s (Maryland, Maine and Idaho) who  discussed the unique approaches they are taking to assess needs in their respective communities. Learn how they are building resilience and connecting individuals to resources in a more efficient and effective manner.


SQL Data Analysis: Unlocking Insights and Inspiring Action with SDoH Data

This session explored how Findhelp and SQL data analysis empower organizations to gather insights, inform decisions, and refine initiatives for greater impact. Attendees heard directly from changemakers at Novant, CIC, Molina, and Camden Coalition as they shared their compelling use cases and the transformative impact of SQL data analysis on their SDoH initiatives. 

The 2025 Connect Summit

We want to hear from you, our customers, community organization network, and stakeholders. If you attended this year’s Summit, we want to know your thoughts! Please take 2-3 minutes to share your feedback and tell us what you want to learn about at future events.

Join Us at Future Summits!

Not part of our network? Chat with us to learn how we can support your organization’s social care strategy, and be automatically invited to next year’s Connect Summit. 

Chat with Findhelp about how we can partner to support your social care strategy!

Thank you, from all of us at Findhelp. Until next year!