Our Ongoing Commitment to Tennessee

At findhelp, we are proud of the work we do every day to connect people to the care they need, with dignity and ease. As the largest social care network with over 15 million users being connected to more than 566,000 programs nationwide, we know we provide an important service to communities – including in Tennessee.

Findhelp has been serving customers in Tennessee for six years, and we are proud of our relationships with organizations that span the healthcare continuum. Our network grows daily, connecting users with resources such as help paying for utilities, housing support, food pantries, health care, and transportation needs. We’re connecting individuals and families to more than 8,200 programs across the state and more than 73,000 social care referrals have been made in Tennessee via findhelp platforms,but there is more work to be done. We are constantly seeking out new opportunities to engage with healthcare providers, payors, administrators, community organizations, and nonprofits.

Our mission led us to seek a partnership with TennCare, the state of Tennessee’s Medicaid program. We hope to support a closed-loop referral system to ensure TennCare connects the state’s Medicaid population to programs that will meet needs that are directly related to but outside the traditional healthcare spectrum. Our unparalleled experience proves that connecting people to these services positively impacts health outcomes and benefits the whole person, and the entire community. 

The initial round of the procurement process was met with some challenges. But thanks to the state for a commitment to transparency, we are happy to share that findhelp will be part of the rebidding process for this contract. We are committed to being a good faith partner with the state and the Division of TennCare. We recognize that the procurement process can be tedious for all parties involved. Yet, we know we can offer the best solution for TennCare members ensuring they receive the support they need from Community-Based Organizations with dignity and ease. 

Want to learn more?

Read about how your organization can benefit from the findhelp network.