Resources for Nonprofits During COVID-19 Concerns

Like many of you, we’re working to adjust and adapt as COVID-19 concerns grow. We applaud the work organizations are doing to connect clients with the services they are seeking during this uncertain time. To support those efforts, we’d like to share a few free tools to lend a helping hand to those organizations and their staff.

If you belong to an organization that is connecting people with vital services, please see the tools below, and let us know how else we can help.

Search on Aunt Bertha for resources. is free to use, with free and reduced cost programs listed in every state and Puerto Rico. The one-minute video will show you how to search and connect to organizations in your area — for yourself or for those in need in your community. We encourage you to share this video as a resource with your networks.



Claim your program to update your program hours, manage availability, and screen connections quickly.
We know that COVID-19 might create an unexpected increase in need for your organization’s services. Once you have claimed and are part of our growing network, you have the ability to let community members know about changes should your program need to alter availability or service hours.

Once you’ve claimed:

Additionally, should you need to include eligibility or acceptance criteria for your services and get a clearer sense of which individuals you can best serve, you can do so by adding a screener to your program.

Add temporary or new services.
If your organization runs programs that help people and aren’t already listed in the network, be sure to add them. If you’re running programs that specifically address the impacts of COVID-19, you can add them here.

Check out our other tools.
We offer multiple intake management tools to help you manage requests. You can also help more people get connected by adding a simple search box to your website.

Let us know how else we can help you.
We’re trying to learn about how agencies and nonprofits are working to adapt, respond, and still deliver vital services to the community. To help us understand the impact, we created a brief survey and would appreciate your insight if you can spare a few minutes.